100% Nearly 100% survival rate from breast cancer, when caught at an early stage.
90% Survival rate from bowel cancer,
when caught at an early stage.

Routine screening saves lives.
Screening can detect cancer before it has a chance to progress into later stages that are harder to treat. Your choices can make an impact on your health—and bring peace of mind to you and your family.
As part of Qatar’s National Cancer Program, PHCC is making breast and bowel screening available throughout the country.
Qatar will be known not just for its work in improving health globally, but for providing the very best healthcare to its own citizens.
Her Highness
Sheikha Moza bint Nasser

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An inspiring story from a breast cancer survivor…
As an etiquette and cooking expert who is very passionate about cooking, I have written several cook books and have conducted special cooking lessons for ladies. Having gained quite a bit of popularity, I now have 15,000 followers on Instagram. Together with my loving and supportive family, I would say that I am extremely blessed and privileged to have a happy and comfortable life.